How to Keep Moving!
Health can be a big challenge to keeping fit! I know I have said most of this to you and in class, but I wanted to remind you of the following modifications recommended in my Older Adult Canfitpro textbook:
High Blood Pressure
GOAL: Exercise with BP in check
Low to moderate exercise intensity
Monitor cardio with HR monitor
Avoid isometric contractions (positions where you hold for strength and don’t move. i.e. Plank)
Breath normally during exercise
No heavy resistance training
Be aware of pre –exercise and post- exercise BP to avoid exercise in extreme BP situations.
Keep your arms below your heart level to limit intensity
Water consumption helps lower BP. Stay hydrated.
Avoid Caffeine/Stress (raise BP)
BUT: exercise is still needed. The plan?
Aerobic (Gets the blood flowing) 30-60 mins. 3-7 x week , Strength training 2-3 x week ( Pilates, yoga, my stretch class, weights), Flexibility 5-7x week (Focus on chest region)
Osteoporosis (Osteopenia)
GOAL: Maximize mobility and reduce the chance of falling
Minimal forward bending or twisting
If mild osteoporosis, incorporate impact (hops, jumps, stair climbing). If severe, avoid impact
Avoid twisting the spine and extreme motion in upper back, neck-as well as side movements.
Avoid quick movements
Reduce chance of falling (check for obstacles, unstable surfaces.)
Include stabilizing muscles exercise 2-3 x a week!
Use support for any balance training (hang on to railing etc. if you feel unstable.)
BUT: exercise is still needed. The Plan?
Aerobic (helps maintain bone mass) 30 mins 3-5 x week (i.e. 30 minute walk), Strength training 2-3 x week will improve stability muscles and posture ( Pilates, yoga, my stretch class, weights), Flexibility 5-7x week (get moving, clean the house, wash the car do a gentle stretch program at home)
GOAL: Prioritize joint protection
Avoid stair climbing and contact sports
Avoid activities that require standing on one leg for a long time or that require stop/start movements
Chose low-impact
Reduce joint loading if sharp pain/swelling occurs (some post-exercise discomfort may be expected)
Avoid activities that cause joint pain
BUT: exercise is still needed. The Plan?
Aerobic 30 mins 3-5 x week (i.e. 30 minute walk), Strength training 2-3 x week ( Pilates, yoga, my stretch class, weights), Flexibility 1 x day (get moving)