How Much Strength Do We Need?
Just doing a little weekend reading and thought I’d share.
“Every adult, whether female or male, young and old, should perform some type of strength training at least twice a week. Just as aerobic exercise is crucial to your cardiovascular fitness, strength training is the key to muscle strength and balance. Here are just a few ways that regular strength training can benefit you :
It burns calories to help you keep your weight down.
It increases bone density, which lowers your risk of osteoporosis and broken bones.
It strengthens your muscles, which improves your balance and makes you less likely to fall and injure yourself.
It reduces risk of injuries.
Through all of the above benefits, it increases your ability to take care of yourself, to get around and to live independently in your later years.”
-Mike Boggs, B.S., M.B.A., certified strength-conditioning specialist, fitness specialist